Kona with Da Boyz

Took a trip over to da other side with the boys. We drove over Saddle Road catching views of the observatories above the clouds. We saw a full Rainbow which gave Blaze and I a big energy boost. We took the Waimaea route on the way home and concluded that Waimea is a quicker and easier route.

We picked up our friend Steve and his son Nate, stopped to pick up another Kona sider, Paul, then hit Magic Sands Beach where a prominent sign states alcohol consumption allowed from 10am to 10pm. Magics is one of two sandy beaches on the Kona side and has a perfect starter wave for the boys to boogie board. A couple hours at Magics and we headed North to a nice cove next to the boat marina. I brought my Kayak and this was a perfect testing grounds. We all took turns with the kayak, Blaze seemed the most interested in it. There was a large pod of dolphins hanging out in front of the cove about a half mile off shore, paddling close to these animals was a bit spooky. I also had a close encounter with a large sea turtle. We then brought out the snorkeling  gear and had a great look at a popular scuba area. It was a big activity day.

Blaze spent the night with Steve and Nate and Braun and I crashed at Pauls. From the pull out couch at Pauls the shoreline was less than 100 yards away, falling asleep to the sound of waves crashing is always special. The next morning we hit Magics and the boys boogie boarded for hours while I spent a lot of time on the shoreline with Braun, letting the waves pound us. The more Braun is at the water line getting the rhythm of the ocean, the more he likes being around the water. It was nice to be on sand compared to always walking the reef on the East side. A fun trip and great to see some different areas of the island.

Kona Swimming Hole

The Cove

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